St. Paul

Elevating Equity Through a Welcoming Public Realm

Although Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, are known for incredible parks, the public realm in majority-Black and -brown neighborhoods has historically been unimaginative and underfunded. A coalition in the Twin Cities will pilot a design justice studio to heal generational harms and create welcoming, diverse public spaces by transforming the spaces themselves and the process of actualizing them. With significant public capital investments afoot, a diverse mix of community members and organizations is co-creating public realm solutions to realize a vibrant Black commercial corridor near a future light rail line; a safe and economically resilient district in a diverse, working-class neighborhood where a major roadway reconstruction is planned; a neighborhood cultural and commercial district; and the redevelopment of police stations into true civic assets.

"I have worked in community development for over thirty years. I have seen a lot of strategies come and go. However, I believe that Reimagining the Civic Commons is one of the best opportunities to solve the ingrained racism and injustice in the Twin Cities."
–Paul Bauknight, Founder & President, The Center for Transformative Urban Design
In Minneapolis & St. Paul we are focused on design justice through the public realm. We believe in the power of co-creation and systems change to bring us together and heal our city.
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A Collaborative Effort


  • The Center for Transformative Urban Design


  • American Institute of Architects Minnesota
  • Confluence Studio
  • Environmental Initiative
  • Environmental Justice Coordinating Council
  • Minneapolis College of Art and Design
  • Payne Phalen Community Council
  • ReConnect Rondo
  • Redesign
  • Springboard for the Arts
  • St. Paul Parks and Recreation
  • The JPB Foundation
  • John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
  • The Kresge Foundation
  • William Penn Foundation