In 2016, a diverse network of city governments, nonprofits, community groups and national foundations committed to an ambitious…
Co-hosted by Dan Rice, President and Chief Executive Officer at Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition and convener of…
Socioeconomic mixing is a core outcome of Reimagining the Civic Commons. The civic infrastructure of communities—the parks, trails,…
“I think this has turned into a place where you can actually come and get peace,” says SeKoria…
“This is huge. I think it’s long overdue. I’m really grateful they finally pulled South Akron into the…
“Despite the construction, Lock 3, the city’s biggest outdoor concert venue, is on track to post a banner…
“Rice tells the story of how the one bench at Summit Lake faced away from the water. Here…
“Vacancy rates continue to fall for office space in downtown Akron’s major buildings.” As Akron invests in a…
Residents in Akron’s Summit Lake neighborhood are feeling a new sense of pride and connection to one another…
Value creation in the commons: Akron’s biggest mixed-use downtown development project sits directly adjacent to key public spaces…
Announcing new investments in the civic commons. Read the release.